Your contributions have a tremendous impact on children and their families. Early investment in our children is proven to build healthy citizens of tomorrow. Donate your talents and materials. The Nursery greatly appreciates the in-kind contributions our community members share and businesses with creative ideas. Materials such as clothing, toys, diapers, and food can be used both at the Nursery and in families’ homes.



Your contributions have a tremendous impact on children and their families.


Fred Meyer Rewards

Support Family Relief Nursery each time you shop at Fred Meyer! By linking your rewards card to us, Fred Meyer will make a donation based on the accumulated spending of all the Community Rewards customers linked to Family Relief Nursery.



Family Relief Nursery always welcomes and appreciates having volunteers!

Write to to inquire about current opportunities!


Donate Professional Services

If you have a profession, skill, or talent you would like to share with the youth and families of your community.

Write to to inquire about current opportunities!


Become a Board Member

Help us to advance our mission by serving on the Board of Directors. We are searching for people with varied skills and experiences who are passionate about healthy child development.

Email to inquire more information about becoming a board member.